Development and Technology Committee 2074

Brief introduction:

                    This development and technology committee ,which stands as one of the various thematic committees under federal parliament, the House of the Representatives, was constituted pursuant to clause (8) of rule 170 of the House of the Representatives Rules, 2018. The parliamentary committees stand as mini parliament for making the Nepal Government accountable and responsible to the House of the Representatives and for also   giving necessary direction or advice, suggestion after monitoring and evaluating the act and activities carried out by the government and to attain the objectives under article 97of the Constitution.This committee is comprised of twenty seven honorable members save ex-officio members. There is a provision that enables the Speaker to alter and modify  members on the committee with the consent of the House of the Representatives. The main jurisdiction of this committee is the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Communications and Technology, Ministry of Drinking Water, Ministry of Urban Development, National Re-construction Authority and the departments and offices there under. There is a legal provision that provides  that the Prime minister, minister for physical infrastructure and transport, minister for communications and technology, minister for drinking water, minister for urban development shall be the ex-officio members of this committee.


Constitution of committee,

meeting, quorum and decision of committee

Jurisdiction of committee:

  1. Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport,
  2. Ministry of Communications and Technology,
  3. Ministry of Drinking Water,
  4. Ministry of Urban Development,
  5. National Reconstruction Authority .