Finance Committee
Archives → Finance Committee, 2074
People are considered the source of sovereign power in democracy and this sovereign power is exercised through the representatives of people. In a parliamentary system of governance, the government is accountable to the parliament. Considering the workload of the parliament, the periodic nature of its sessions, limited time and impracticality to comprehensively monitor every agencies, parliament constitutes committees from among its members.
The Constitution authorizes the parliament to form committees. The Rules of the House of Representatives has provisions for the parliamentary committees to assist the House of Representatives. Committee on Finance is among the ten subject committees of the House of Representatives. Its scope of work are:
1. Ministry of Finance
2. National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission
3. Investment Board
4. National Planning Commission
5. related subject and agencies
Members of the Committee on Finance
S.No. | Name |
1. | Hon. Santosh Chalise (Chairperson) |
2. | Hon. Anjani Shrestha |
3. | Hon. Ammar Bahadur Raymajhi |
4. | Hon. Ganga Karki |
5. | Hon. Tshering Damdul Lama (Bhote) |
6. | Hon. Juli Kumari Mahato (Mahaseth) |
7. | Hon. Dipak Bohora |
8. | Hon. Narayan Prasad Acharya |
9. | Hon. Narayani Sharma |
10 | Hon. Padam Giri |
11 | Hon. Mukta Kumari Yadav |
12. | Hon. Metmani Chaudhary |
13. | Hon. Ran Kumari Balampaki Magar |
14. | Hon. Binod Kumar Chaudhary |
15. | Hon. Dr. Swarnim Wagle |
16. | Hon. Surya Bahadur Thapa Chhetri |
17. | Hon. Gyan Bahadur Shahi |
18. | Hon. Prakash Sharan Mahat |
19. | Hon. Gyanendra Bahadur Karki |
20. | Hon.Bhagawati Chaudhari |
21. | Hon.Barshaman Pun |
22. | Hon.Biraj Bhakta Shrestha |
23. | Hon. Upendra Yadav |
Secretariat of the Committee
S.No. | Name | Designation | |
1 | Rekha Upadhyaya Khanal | Committee Secretary | |
2 | Pradeep Guragain | Undersecretary | |
3 | Bhanu Pokhrel | Section Officer | |
4 | Uddab Dumre | Nayab Subba | |
5 | Rajendra Thapa | Office Assistant | |
Committee Secretariat | Phone. : 4200233, 4200609, 4200229 Email : URL : |